Chad and Linda

Chad and Linda
Chad's homecoming from Iraq 2010

Thursday, May 3, 2012

16 Weeks Check Up

May 1st we went to our routine 16 weeks check up at the high risk doctor. We were definitely hoping that the ultrasound tech would be able to determine the genders or our sweet little twins. When we told our ultrasound tech that we'd love to know the genders, she said that she wasn't that experienced in genders at our early gestational age. But, that she would get a more experience tech in there to help after she had taken all the measurements that she needed. She began her scan with baby A and started taking measurements. Then, all of the sudden we saw our definite answer to baby a's gender. HE was not shy at all showing his neither region! Lol. Our tech then scanned baby B and HE was just as proud to show us what he had! TWO BOYS! We could not be happier. Both babies are growing at the same rate (which is great). Baby A is 6 ounces and B is 5 ounces. The boys were already punching and kicking each other. Of course, they are already crowded in there. They were positioned in what the doctor called a transverse position....which just means they were laying east to west position instead of north to south. They had their little heads laying together. They were so sweet and it's just amazing to see these little babies growing so fast. The ultrasound tech finished the baby scan and went on the scan and measure my cervix. For sure not the most pleasant part of the visit. But all measured great. There was just a slight problem that baby a's placenta was low-lying. It normally doesn't cause a problem and they will just keep an eye on it at each visit. When the tech was scanning my cervix Baby A keep coming into the view of the screen...waving his little hand. It almost looked like he was saying "look at me, look at me!". Haha! We met with doctor after the ultrasound. He said that everything looked fine and that we needed to return in 3 weeks for what will be the official anatomy scan. We also met with our nurse practitioner. She is so nice and takes so much time with us. I had just a couple of pregnancy symptoms that we went over (achy belly, numb hands mostly at night and major forgetfulness). She told me that all of those things are normal and that I am right on track with my weight gain. I gained a little over 4 pounds since my last visit 4 weeks ago. I am suppose to gain another 8 pounds before 20 weeks (4 weeks away). We are so thankful for all of our friends, family, doctors (both here and in Wisconsin) and most of all INCIID. Without all of you, the dream that we are living right now would have never come true. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! We love you all very much. Please keep our little family in your prayers and help us welcome our precious baby boys!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

12 Weeks Doctor Visit

Last Tuesday we had our 12 week check up.  I had a fasting glucose test.  They took blood, made me drink this super sweet sugar drink, then they took blood one hour later, then two hours later.  While this process was taking place, we had an ultrasound and I had the dreaded physical. 
The ultrasound was so fun.  It was great to see both babies.  This time Baby A was standing on his/her head and Baby B was bobbing around.  I am guessing they liked the sugar drink...note to self:  DO NOT let babies drink sugary drinks.   Haha!  They were wired!  They both had grown so much.  Baby A measured 12.3cm and B was 11.2cm.  The doctor said that it was completely normal for the babies to be growing at different speeds.  The ultrasound tech measured their neuro tube and their nasal bones.  I suppose both of these measurements are a pre-indicators of downs syndrome.  Both babies were perfect and had no abnormal measurements.  The ultrasound tech used the ultrasound probe to push on my abdomen to make the babies change positions so that she could get the measurements that she needed.  Both babies even looked like it was shaking a fist at her.  lol  Baby B was opening and closing his/her mouth.  It is amazing to me how much they had changed and grown in three short weeks.  Plus, seeing them react to outside stimuli was just breathtaking.  It all seems surreal.  I can't believe these little precious gifts from God are actually here with us.  I can't wait to feel them move.  We should find out if they are boys or girls at either our next visit in 4 weeks or the following in 8 weeks. 

The physical was the normal "lady" physical...not fun but not horrible.  Chad has been to every appointment and has endured MAJOR lady talk.  Kudos for him.  The doctor would like us to get to at least mid-September to the first of October.  Please pray a prayer that we have no complications and the babies are born right on time (and not a minute before).  :-)

After our appointment and Chad went back to work, my wonderful mother came and picked me up and took me clothes shopping.  I am growing at the speed of light and clothes seem to be an issue when you grow so fast....But, thank Heavens that we don't have to go naked....yikes!!  Anyway, my mom took me shopping and turned a day that would have been miserable (looking at your inflated body in a dressing room mirror is NOT fun) to a day full of smiles and laughter.  She purchased so many things that were not only stylish (my style) but functional.  The next day when I went to my closet to put on clothes, I felt so good that I actually looked nice....Kind of like my old self but with a baby bump.  I can not tell mom how much it means to me.  Thank you mom!  I love you!   Its so strange.  I used to wonder why more women didn't post photos of their baby bumps.  I always thought that if I could ever become pregnant that I would be proud to share with the world.  Now, I completely understand.  Its not that you are sad that you are pregnant...its more that everything that you have come to know about your body changes....QUICK!  I've had the same (almost same) body for 38 years and when it changes overnight, its a bit of a shock.   I think it will be a bit better when I look more pregnant than chunky.  lol 

My lab work all came back normal.  No problems with my blood sugar and whatever else reason they took the 5 gallons of blood.  The doctor also reported that my weight gain was right on schedule.  They want me to gain 25 pounds before 20 weeks.  Double Yikes!  The doctor says that with multiples that the most important weight gain is at the beginning. 

I have been feeling great this week with the exception of daily headaches off and on.  I suppose that this is very common in pregnancy.  Still sooooo happy to be carrying these babies!  Everything that we have been through is completely worth the ending result.  We can't wait to meet you Babies A and B!  We love you!

 BTW...Chad and I can't agree on any names.  Maybe, we will come to agree by the time they are born.  lol

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 10

We are closing in on the end of week 10 of the pregnancy.  Apparently, the babies are the size of limes and growing bigger everyday.  Its amazing how fast the time goes by.   I am feeling better.  The nausea seems to have subsided for the most part and the one Zantac at night keeps the heartburn at bay.  I am less hungry....or it seems.  I suppose that its because I'm not feeling nauseated every time my stomach gets empty.  Its nice not to have to stuff my face all the time.  I am still soooooooooo exhausted all the time and my feet have began to swell.  I am going to try to increase my water intake.  Hopefully, this will help and I won't have to watch my salt (which I probably will if not now, later)  lol.  It probably didn't help that I ate half a jar of salsa for dinner last night.  And for those of you that know me...its totally not me to eat that kind of food.  lol  Oh, I also had creamy chicken soup that I drank with the chips and salsa.  On second thought, maybe I should go ahead and watch my salt intake.  Haha!

I received my extra calcium and fish oil supplements in the mail this week.  (I had to order online because I couldn't find them in local stores.)  Whoa!!  Talk about horse pills!!  Now, in the mornings after I eat breakfast, I have to take the prenatal vitamin, folic acid, 4 HUGE fish oil capsules, and 1 HUGE calcium tablet.   Nothing like four lemon flavored fish oil capsules to make your breakfast super yummy.  Haha!  NOT! 

I had some wonderful friends last week, loan me some maternity clothes!  They have been lifesavers!!  I am so thankful to have things in my closet that not only fit me but are stylish.  Thanks Ladies!! 

Overall, things are going wonderfully.  Even though I'm listing all my ailments, they are so manageable.  I am thankful to have such a smooth pregnancy so far.  Our next doctor visit is just a couple of weeks away.  I'm looking forward to seeing the babies again. 

A side note:   I found out last weekend that my cousin's wife is also pregnant.  She is due just a day or two ahead of me on October 13th!  How exciting to get to share this experience with family even though they are miles away.  Congratulations Andrew and Sarah!  You will be wonderful parents! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

First OB Appointment with the High Risk Doctor

Today was our first visit to the high risk doctor.  We will be seeing them exclusively through out the rest of the pregnancy.  We arrived at the UT office at 8 this morning and didn't leave until 12:30pm!!!  There was a long wait and we covered a lot of information.  First, we met with the genetic councelor and she explained all the genetic issues that they test for and how the tests are performed.  She also said our pregnancy was a lower-high risk pregnancy compared to others.  For that, we are so thankful!

Then, we went to ultrasound.  The babies both measured 9 weeks and 1 day....which is perfect!!!  Their heart rates were 175 and 171.  Baby A was dancing and waving his/her little arms and legs.  The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting a reading of the heart rate because of all of its activity.   It was sooooo cool to see those little arms and legs!!   Completely amazing!!  Baby B slept the whole visit.  But, the ultrasound tech didn't have any trouble getting a good reading on the heart rhythm and measurements.  I said the dancing baby was little Chad and the calm baby was little Linda.  The ultrasound tech said that both babies look great and the placenta and all the other stuff and junk look great  too.  We are right on schedule.  Bonus....graduated to the regular ultrasound probe!  For all those ladies out know what I mean.     Haha!

After a hugely long wait, the nurse practitioner came and took us to another exam room.  LET THE INFORMATION BEGIN!!  Holy Schmoly!!!  That was a lot of information to absorb.  She asked lists and lists of questions and answered my lists and lists of questions.  She was so patient with us and took all the time we needed.  The wait to see her was well worth it.  Apparently, the most important weight gain for carrying multiples in the first half of the pregnancy.  Who would have thought?  Not me!  So, I have to begin drinking two ensure shakes a day with strict instructions that they cannot replace a meal.  Also, I have to begin taking more folic acid and add fish oil supplement and a calcium citrate tablet twice daily. (She said at the next visit she will add in a prescription for iron)  She also said that I could take Zantac at night for the heartburn (Hallelujah!!!!!!) and gave me a long list of symptom relievers for pregnancy!!  Its pretty cool that the NP and I are the same age and she has a 9 month old baby (and its her first).   So, she's up on how it feels to be pg and the relief from symptoms.   I feel like this is the right place for us to be.   It all just fell in line with this appointment.  After meeting the doctor for two brief seconds, he was off to do a c-section!  At the end of the appointment they sent us to the lab where they took about 50 vials of my blood.  The nurse was an excellent sticker!!  Thankful for steady hands especially when they have a needle stuck in my arm.

Our next appointment is in three weeks, when I will have a fasting 2 hours glucose test, ultrasound, bloodwork and a physical.  I am really looking forward to this next trimester coming up.  Hopefully, I'll have more energy, not be nauseous, and feel better.   I'm still not complaining....pregnancy symptoms are wonderful!  I am so thankful to have those little signs of our babies growing inside me.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

First OB Appointment

We had our first OB appointment Wednesday (yesterday).  We were pleasantly surprised to have another ultrasound!  The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time with us and we got to hear the babies heartbeat for the first time.  It was amazing.  There is nothing in this world like hearing your babies' heart beat for the first time.  We are in awe of the whole thing.  Baby A's heart rate was 154 and Baby B's heart rate was 158.  Both babies measured 7 weeks and 3 days...exactly what they should.  They are both doing very well.

Off to see the doctor:  We began our visit with the doctor  by her asking lots of questions.  Then, she announced that because of my age (38 years old) that I was considered a high risk pregnancy.  When I mentioned that we were also having twins she said high risk times two.  lol  The more we discussed our options, the more Chad and I decided that it would be in our (and the babies) best interest to go to the high risk doctor.  The hospital where my regular OB/GYN delivers does not have a NICU.  So, our appointment had an abrupt ending and we were referred to the high risk doctor.  Our appointment is in a couple of weeks on March 13th.  We will be delivering at University of Tennessee Medical Center.

All is still well with us.  I'm still crabby with Chad for no apparent reason.  Poor guy!  He's being such a trooper.  I love him so much for being so understanding.  Nausea comes in waves most of the day and heartburn lurks around several times a day.  But, absolutely no complaints here.  We are so happy and humbled to experience these two new lives growing inside me.  We are blessed beyond belief.  We couldn't have asked for more.  Our friends and families have been so supportive with kind words and well wishes.  We couldn't have gotten this far without your prayers, love and support.  We are forever grateful.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Early Ultrasound

Monday, February 27th was early OB ultrasound.  Our appointment was at 10am.  Chad and I were super nervous!  We got out of bed that morning and began getting ready.  Chad flipped on the TV on the way to the shower.  When I came through our bedroom and saw what show was playing, I laughed and asked Chad if he was purposely watching the movie "Twins".    He laughed and said no. 

When we arrived at our appointment, the nurse took us back.  She took a little blood for a progesterone level and all my vitals...including my weight....ugh!  lol  Poor Chad was pacing around the room.  Dr. Harris did our ultrasound and discovered two healthy babies!! 

We are having twins!!!

Dr. Harris did all the appropriate measurements.  Baby A measured 7 weeks and 1 day, and Baby B measured 6 weeks and 6 days.  The yolk sack was the appropriate size (apparently too big is an issue).  Their heart rates are 150 and strong.  The Doctor reported that since the heart rates were so strong that there's a 95% chance resulting in the birth of 2 healthy babies.  They gave us a due date of October 14th...but said that the babies would most likely come in September.  She explained that multiples reach a point where they stop developing.  That is why they are usually born 4-6 weeks early.  She also explained how the next 9 months will be...March will be pretty miserable, April and May would be great and would go down hill from there.  Haha!  Also, she told me to have everything done that I needed to get done by July.

Our nurse from Wisconsin called us later that day with the progesterone level results.  They are 554!  They said that they had never seen a level so high.  The good news....I get to reduce the injections that I have been getting every night at 8pm to every third day.  Woot! Woot!  My behind thanks them so much for that news!  lol

I have been feeling pretty good.  Waves of nausea (but no vomiting), headaches, heartburn, frequent urination are all the symptoms that I have been having... oh yeah....irritability (per Chad).  Haha!  Poor Guy!  I stopped craving salad when I couldn't eat the vinegar type dressings because of the heartburn it caused.  Now, I'm to the point that I really don't want anything to eat.  Usually, I eat just because I think it will help me to feel not so nauseated.  Sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't.  Don't get me wrong!!  I am definitely NOT complaining.  I enjoy that I am having symptoms.  It lets me know that those little babies are growing inside me.  I just thought you all might want to know....since I feel like each and every one of you have been on this incredible journey with Chad and me.  We love you all and thank you for your incredible out reach of love and support.  *hugs*

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Last Hcg bloodwork prior to ultrasound

Hey all!  Today was the last of the beta hcg testing.  The do this again to make sure its doubling at an appropriate rate.  So, today's value is 11,221.  Whoa!  It went from 720 to 11, 221 in 7 days.  So, I suppose this is saying that we have a viable pregnancy.  We are looking forward to going to our ultrasound appointment on the 27th.  We really hope to get to see a heartbeat...or two.  lol  We also are set up for our first ob appointment on the 29th.  Its all so exciting. 

I am feeling fine...other than nausea off and on all day.  Its not terrible and I am definitely not complaining.  Most of the time, I am thankful that I have this little sign of actually carry a child.  There are some funny little side effects.  I have to eat salad every day and I do not want any sweets.  Those of you that know me well, know this is a huge change for me.  I love sweets.  Also, the potty calls my name so frequently that I feel like I'm in there a good portion of the day.  Haha!  Last (but not least), Chad reports some...well...alot of moodiness/crankiness.  I don't notice at all.  lol 

Hopefully, these next two weeks will fly by and we'll see a perfect little baby on our ultrasound.  The books say that this weeks the baby is a size of a sweet pea.  :-)